Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Pollen is gross, but necessary I suppose

My allergies have been so bad lately. My cars are covered in green/yellowish pollen. Its so gross. Today was nice and cool, but I knew if I opened my windows I would be suffering tonight, but I did it anyways. There is nothing like opening windows on a cool spring day. I know I won't be able to do it for long, so I couldn't resist. Now I have a headache though. I was watching fox news this morning and they had a doctor on talking about allergies and allergy medicine. Apparently, allergy drugs can become addictive. I think that goes for all medications though. Anyways, the doctor said that if you suffer from allergies, it helps to keep your windows closed this time of year and if you have a dog that goes outside for periods of time to wash them when you bring them in or else they track the allergens in your house. I don't know what I think about that. I don't think my allergies are bad enough to take that step. Anyways, I just wanted to complain about allergies. On a positive note, I have a new favorite cookie. It is the chocolate covered mint oreo. Its like a fat thin mint. I always buy thin mints from the girl scouts, but now I have chocolate covered mint oreos. yummy.


At 7:18 PM , Blogger Steph said...

We are doing a March of Dimes walk for work. (This is to raise money to help premature babies.) Because of this we are also having a cutest baby picture contest where the entry fee is a donation. I wanted to see if I can enter my roommate's niece with her dog since I have no kids. :)

At 9:44 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Hey---- I'm not a pollen fan. I've been sneezing a lot more lately... getting to that time of the year for me.
I like girl scout cookies... they have girl scout cookie ice cream at the grocery store. (Not going to think about them!)

At 7:31 AM , Blogger Janel said...

steph, you can enter colleen's picture. I think baby picture contests are fun, but I haven't seen any around here to enter colleen's pics in. Colleen likes to look at baby pictures on the internet. I search on the internet for cute baby pictures for her to look at.


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