Wednesday, March 01, 2006


For some reason I love the month of March. There is so much fun stuff going on in March; St. Patrick's Day, My birthday, the Iditarod, and sometimes Easter is in March, but not this year. If you've never tracked the iditarod you can go to the website and get updates daily at I'm rooting for Dee Dee or Martin Buser(he has the same birthday as sara and I. He signed a poster for us.) Some people think the Iditarod is cruel to the dogs, but if you go see the start you would have to disagree. Those dogs absolutely love what they do. They can't wait to start. The handlers treat them so good. Their dogs come before them. Ok, I just wanted to say YAAAAAAAHOOOOOO to March.


At 8:28 AM , Blogger Sara said...

I like March a lot.


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