Monday, March 27, 2006

My weekend sucked

My mom hates is when I use the word "suck," but my weekend really sucked. I guess I could say "stunk" instead of "sucked" ok. So Friday night I was up all night with rory and colleen. They both had a bad stomach virus. They were up all night getting sick. I think I changed colleen and my clothes 5 times and sheets twice. Friday night was the worst, but because I got less than 2 hours of sleep, I was sooo stinking tired on Saturday, but I had to wash sheets and take care of colleen and rory. When they were napping I had to go out and buy pedialite and ginger ale and stuff. Sunday I was just exhausted and feeling sick myself with bad sinuses, but Rory was still sick, so I couldn't take a nap unless Colleen was napping. She finally napped, but when I tried to nap my neighbors started working outside pounding and doing noisy lawn work. I'm just so glad the weekend is over. On a happy note, Wednesday we go to Maryland to see the folks. yipee. We're going to a Hershey Bears hockey game on Saturday with my dad and Rory's fam. It will be fun. I love hockey. Right now Rory is laying on the couch watching "The A Team" I can't believe they show those reruns. HELP ME!!!


At 4:40 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I hope your family is feeling better and that you don't begin to get sick. You can't be sick on your birthday!

At 10:30 PM , Blogger brian said...

There is nothing wrong with A-Team reruns.

At 5:26 PM , Blogger Erin said...

You can say suck around here whenever you want. Sometimes stuff just sucks, it doesn't stink, it isn't a bummer, it just sucks.

At 4:08 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Happy Birthday!!!

At 9:04 AM , Blogger Sara said...

Glad the suck weekend is over and everyone is starting to feel better.... glad you get to spend some time with the parents too!


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