Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Beagles are embarrassing

I wish my beagle wouldn't eat hair. Well, he doesn't really eat hair, but he has a bad habit of licking the carpet constantly. It drives me crazy. He always ends up eating hair. Even when I vacuum daily, he still has hair eating problems. This morning, he took care of business out back, but he had a hair hanging from his bottom. He was yelping and couldn't get it out. I had to get a kleenex and pull it out of his bottom. So gross!!! The whole time he was yelping like I was beating him. I can only imagine what the neighbors were thinking when they looked out the window to see me wiping his bottom and him yelping for help.


At 12:45 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Sorry but I probably would have been a laughing neighbor if I saw you. I smiled now as I pictures your poor dog.


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