Friday, January 25, 2008

My Children Are Going To Be Healthy, Wealthy, And Wise

They saying goes "Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Well, my kid's internal alarm clocks are set at 6am. Every day. 6am. This morning they woke up just shy of 6am. 5:55. The funny thing is they tend to wake up right around the same time even though they are in different rooms. My efforts to quiet them back down to sleep with sleepy music in the dark room were unsuccessful. Thank goodness for coffee.

At bedtime we usually read a couple books or I make up a story. Colleen started to make up stories also. Last night it went a little something like this: "This is a story about a slobbery baby boy named Nolan. Grandad, grandma, and me were his daddy. Mommy, daddy and auntie sara were his mommies. One day, daddy came home and told us we were going to the beach. We rode in the car to the beach. We played in the sand and the ocean and picked up sea shells. But, Nolan was too little so he had to just sit and watch. The End"

Kids are cute. I love her stories.


At 11:58 AM , Blogger Sara said...

i love colleen's stories. she made up the best bed time stories when I was staying there in her room. I miss staying in her room.

At 1:44 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

That is sooo cute!


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