Friday, January 11, 2008

need sleep!

I'm running on no sleep. Nolan has not been sleeping at all lately. He hardly naps and wakes up constantly during the night. I can't figure out what the deal is, unless he's going to pop teeth early. I've done a ton of research online about baby and sleep patterns and what not, but most websites don't take in account that all babies are different and some aren't bottle fed. A majority of stuff I've found says the baby should be sleeping through the night by now or waking only once. WHatever!!! If the baby is being nursed its normal for it to wake a couple times during the night. I'm just hoping its a short sleep disturbance that will end soon.
Today I had to go get lab work done up for my thyroid. It was pouring rain and I had to take the kids with me. So, here I am running from the end of the parking lot with a stroller and a 3 year old in the rain. I get all the way to the door and realized I forgot my ID card. So, I had to run with them all the way back (Its a huge lot, so it was far) to get my purse. All the while there were a ton of closer handicap and expectant mother parking spots unoccupied. I think they should have a new mother parking spot. Or even a couple of them. Its a lot harder getting a baby out the car then the belly. Thats just my experience. Or even a "parents with babies when its raining" spot. that would be great. I should write my congressman. Thats never worked for anything, but something crazy might get their attention.


At 10:57 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I think you could just create the sign and keep it in your car. That way when you need it you can whip it out and place it in a spot.

At 8:10 PM , Blogger Sara said...

or we could be like in Europe where you park wherever you want... on sidewalks... in the street... where ever you find a good place to park it.


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