Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Poor Children

I like to sing my heart out in the car when I'm driving. The only thing is that I'm a terrible singer, so my poor kids have to hear it. Someday it will embarrass them. That will be fun.

Whenever I come through the front gate, the guards always call me "Mam" when they check my ID. It makes me feel old.

The Cartoon Network has become a very annoying channel. The only cartoon Colleen is allowed to watch on it is Tom and Jerry. All the commercials drive me crazy though. Why do have they to be so noisy? Maybe I am getting old.


At 8:08 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I think commercials are made louder so you can hear them since adults leave the room during the commercials.

At 8:15 PM , Blogger Sara said...

i feel old too.


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