Thursday, September 07, 2006


I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. I hate going to the dentist. I wonder if there is anybody out there who actually likes going to the dentist. I don't think I could every be a dentist, because I know everybody would hate coming to see me and that they would just be there because they have to be. I wonder if you have bad breath if a dentist would actually tell you or if they would be nice and offer a sample size of listerine or something. I've been kinda slacking on my flossing lately. I wonder if they will notice and scold me. I'm just nervous. I also hate the fluoride. They have those flavors for you to pick from, but it is still gross. Then you have to sit there with the fluoride on the mouth pieces in your mouth and have that sucker thing sucking all your saliva so you don't swallow it. At the same time the dental hygenists are chit chatting. I always begin to wonder if they lost track of time, because it seems like I always sit there forever with the fluoride. Actually, my last visit they left the room and I was left alone. My little hose thing wasn't sucking very good, but I couldn't get up to go find them, because that big light was right above me. I swallowed a little bit of fluoride. I thought I was going to die. The thing I hate the most is when they try asking you questions while you're sitting there. I think they do it on purpose to see if you'll struggle to answer with your mouth open and drooling. Plus I have 6 wisdom teeth, so whenever they take x-rays they have several people in my tiny room looking at my freakish x-rays. It really makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I'll get a new tooth brush tomorrow.


At 7:27 PM , Blogger Steph said...

When I was younger I had to go to the dentist every 3 weeks for my braces. That helped me to get over the fact of having to go to the dentist for awhile. Last time I went I was having my first adult cavity filled in. They didn't numb my mouth enough and I felt too much pain. The dentist knew and kept apologizing asking me to come back next time. I have been putting off my appointment.

At 2:28 AM , Blogger brian said...

The last time I went to the dentist, I had to have something filled and they gave me laughing gas. And I was thinking to myself, that I wasn't going to laugh, but then I started laughing for no reason. And I just kept laughing. But I still think it was just all psychological.

At 12:45 PM , Blogger Steph said...

what color toothbrush did you get?


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