Sunday, September 10, 2006

I was wrong

Ok, so the dentist wasn't that bad this time. I actually left happy. The girl cleaning my teeth was super nice. She even put stuff on my lips, because they were getting super dry when she was doing the cleaning. To be honest it was actually kind of relaxing. So, maybe I don't hate going to the dentist anymore. I did find out that I have pulp stones in all my molars. Actually, they tell me that every time I go, but they explained it a little better this time. Its like a little hard stone that develops in the tooth. They said it would be a nightmare for the dentist if I ever had to have a root canal done on any of my molars. The dentist is pretty high tech now. When they take the x-rays it goes strait to the computer screen. Speaking of high tech, I noticed when I go through the McDonald's Drive thru, the employees don't even have to fill your drinks any more. They just put it in the computer and a machine drops the cups down, fills the ice and the beverage. It is insane. You wouldn't have to say at a job interview for McDonald's that you are a hard worker, you just have to say "I'm really good at pressing buttons on a computer screen" You don't even have to know math anymore. The register tells you how much you owe the customer. To be honest, I think technology is making America lazier and dumber. I remember one time I was in K-mart and the girl gave me the wrong change even though the register showed her how much she owed me. She just couldn't count money right. Next time I go to the McDonald's drive-thru I'm going to say "no ice" and see if the machine knows that or if it will confuse everybody.


At 1:15 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I'm glad the dentist was a surprisingly good experience. I know a dentist.... he's nice.


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