Saturday, September 16, 2006

So bummed

Yesterday we went to the county fair. I was so looking forward to fair food thanks to Steph's blog. I wanted strawberries on a stick dipped in chocolate. I guess you have to go to a real fair to get yummy food like that. My choices last night were pizza, hotdogs, bbq pork, fried alligator, fries, funnel cakes, cotton candy, candied apples, ice cream. That was pretty much it. oh, and fried twinkies and fried banana pudding. I ended up only getting an ice cream cone from these cute old guys for a dolla and I had a few bites of rory's funnel cake. I'm not a huge funnel cake fan. One time in high school Sara, Sarah McCain, and I tried making our own funnel cakes and we made them kind of greasy and I got sick. Sara, remember sgt. funnel cake?
The fair wouldn't have been fun without Colleen. She was sooo excited to see the animals. That is where we spent most of our time there. She had a blast talking to the animals. It was fun to watch her.


At 7:52 PM , Blogger Sara said...

yah, fairs in the west must be better. we have LOTS of good food. and so many cute animals.


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