Wednesday, September 05, 2007

So close

So, I was looking at the calendar and realized I'm about 2 weeks from my due date. Soooo Crazy!!!! I guess I should pack my hospital bag soon.
The other day we were in cold stone and they have these mountain dew slushes. I was soooo thirsty. I wanted one sooo bad, but I figured that counts as a soda. Bummer. I wanted one sooo bad.


At 1:17 AM , Blogger Sarah said...


At 11:08 PM , Blogger brian said...

Have you seen that movie License to Drive with the two Cory's? At the end they have to rush to the hospital and the dad rushes out with the suitcase. I think it was that movie anyway. That's what I'm thinking about right now. Make sure you pack your bag! And don't panic!


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