Friday, September 14, 2007


My mom has been here for almost a week. I can't believe it, doesn't seem that long. Its been really nice. She's made meals and helped with Colleen and allowed me to get some extra rest. She wants me to feel rested when baby comes. Tonight Rory and I are going to have a date and go see Bourne Ultimatum. We've been dying to see it. Its on base now though, so we only have to pay 2 dollars. My dad seems to think that the movie is so intense that it might put me in labor. I wouldn't mind that. I think it would be nice to have the baby this weekend so that I'd have more time at home with the baby before my mom has to leave.
Today was a very happy day for me. I ate chic fila for lunch and had a pumpkin spice latte afterwards. It was very yummy. I was making a pot of decaf moose munch coffee last night and I was wondering if it would taste like a mocha if I put yoohoo in it. It wasn't half bad.


At 5:05 PM , Blogger Steph said...

My mom thinks laughing at a movie put her into labor the night I was born. will it be a girl or boy?!

At 3:33 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Mom's are awesome! Hope the movie was good.


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