Saturday, September 27, 2008

Spokane Fun

We didn't get the house. Its ok though, Rory and I decided to move on base and look to buy in the spring. This weekend is such a beautiful weekend. I love the weather here so far. This past week was not so much fun. Colleen, Nolan, and I all had colds. Yuk! Colleen's birthday was on Thursday. We had a nice little family party. Thanks to everyone that called. She had fun getting all the phone calls. Made her day special. Nolan's birthday is tomorrow. We're going to go have a picnic at Riverfront park. It is supposed to be a nice day tomorrow. I can't believe Nolan will turn 1 tomorrow. My how time flies. And Colleen is 4!!!! Just yesterday she was so little. You blink and you miss them growing up.
One thing I love about living in Washington is that there is coffee everywhere!! I can always find coffee. No matter where I am. There is one coffee hut outside the base that I didn't notice until the other day. Its a little camouflage hut. I wonder if they get much business. I didn't notice them for a whole week. I don't think the camo paint is helping business.
Colleen loves the pine trees in Washington. We always have a new collection of pine cones when we return from walks. I might have to turn them into an art project for her. Make a Thanksgiving wreath or something.
We love Washington.


At 3:42 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I'm glad you love it so far! Wish I could have been there for the birthdays!!!

At 5:01 PM , Blogger emily said...

Look how long Colleen's hair is!! Pretty girl. I can't believe she's four already. Seems like you just had Nolan.


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