Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday To Nolan

My little boy turned 1 today. I tried uploading the cutest video of him eating cake, but blogger has problems sometimes. We went to the park today and had a picnic and fed the ducks. It was fun. The weather was perfect today. Nolan had fun this evening opening presents and having cupcakes. We are still in TLQs, which makes it hard to bake. We had to settle for cupcakes from the Walmart bakery. Nolan didn't seem to mind. He loved it. Every bite he took was followed by a big grin and "MMMMMMM" It was so funny.


At 4:35 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Cute pictures!

At 12:33 PM , Blogger Sara said...

He's so cute... he's growing up sooo fast! :) Can't wait till I can see you guys again...

At 2:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

he has the best facial expressions


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