Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm loving today

I just walked outside not too long ago to let the dogs out and much to my surprise it is very pleasant out. Not humid and warm, but not too hot. Its only supposed to reach upper 80s today. Doesn't feel like a typical North Carolina summer day. I love it! I'm going to love getting out of the muggy weather. I'll have to adjust to having a winter again. It has been 7 years since I've had a winter. 50s, 60s, and sometimes 70s is what I've been experiencing. Some days I got used to it, taking the kids to the park and just enjoying outside in the middle of January. I'm going to love having snow again though!!! Colleen will love it. We'll all learn and relearn winter sports. Fun! I read that Spokane has one of the best outdoor ice skating rinks in the nation. Colleen will love that. She absolutely loves ice skating. We try and take her every week or two here. One thing I would like to do before we leave is go to the beach one last time. We just have 2 months to get it done though.

I am so irritated with my cable company. Our cable has been freezing up lately, so I decided to just cancel it for the last couple months we are here. Yesterday I called and called. Took me all day to get an actual person on the phone. The stupid automated system for some reason kept saying over and over, "I can not hear you, please repeat your answer." So, I finally get through and I was informed that to cancel my cable, I first have to return the equipment to a certain location. Once I return it, then they will cancel it. Soooo Irritating!!! They will come and deliver it and install it, but they won't pick it up when I'm done with it. Do they know how challenging it is to Lug all the equipment to this location with a baby and 3 year old? The cable company is not my friend!


At 4:10 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I like the new picture!


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