Sunday, December 24, 2006


It is Christmas Eve. Cheese ball this year was grrrreat as usual. This morning we went to church, then this afternoon we went ice skating. It was a lot of fun. They wouldn't let us take Colleen on the ice, because she was under 3. She had a blast though watching and waving at the skaters. Then this evening we drove around and looked at Christmas lights. And of course we had our annual Christmas eve party with cheeseball(this year it was a cheese present), olives, and egg nogg liqueur and Baileys. Grandma and Grandad wanted Colleen to open their presents tonight. She had fun doing that. We laughed a lot and just had a fun time. I found out today that Sara is my mother. If you want to hear that story you have to check her blog out. On top of everything we found a new love. Martinis. So great. I think its because we feel grown up drinking them. My favorite is just a plain martini, but we made some killer pomegranate ones yesterday.


At 9:59 AM , Blogger Sara said...

That was a GREAT cheeseball and party!

At 4:05 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Merry Christmas!!


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