Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Scraping the cheez whiz jar

Today I finished off the jar of cheez whiz. I made sure I didn't leave any in there. It reminded me of a funny Sara story. This one time Sara and I were making nachos. We like to use the campell's cheddar cheese soup for our nacho cheese. Sara loves the nacho cheese so much she decided not to let any go to waste. She tried to lick it off of the lid of the can after we opened it. Unfortunately the can opener makes sharp edges and she cut the sides of her mouth. Poor kid. Sara, sorry if I embarrassed you. I just laugh every time I lick cheese off of anything now, because I think of this funny incident. LOVE YOU SARA!!!


At 2:04 PM , Blogger Sara said...

sometimes we do things in life that make us think, "what was I thinking." that was one of those times.

At 4:12 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Don't worry. Sara tells the story here too.

At 8:58 AM , Blogger emily said...

i love that you love cheese wiz


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