Friday, February 03, 2006


I can't believe today is Friday. This week was such a long week. Today Colleen had her first appointment with the plastic surgeon since we left the hospital. He said she is healing up so well. He said that we'll have to do bandage changes daily for about another 2, maybe 3 weeks. We see him again in 2 weeks to check on her. He said that after a few years she shouldn't have any signs of scars. He also said that if I feel confident enough changing her dressings, I can tell the home nurse she doesn't have to come anymore. We already have her scheduled to check on Colleen Monday, but I think that will be the last visit. She took too long changing the bandages yesterday. I can do it much faster. With a one year old, its much easier to just get it done fast, because it is still painful for her.
On our way out of the appointment a nurse stopped to talk to us and told us the same thing happened to her daughter when she was colleen's age, but it was with hot soup. She said her burns were almost just like Colleen's and now she is completely healed. She made us feel much better.
My dog patch has been so protective of Colleen now. He won't even let my dad get near her without a little warning. Its cute.
I'm craving a root beer float in a frosty mug right now.


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