Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'll never eat at Denny's again

In Alaska we used to eat at Denny's all the time. It was so yummy and clean and friendly. Since we've moved to the lower 48 I've only had bad Dennys experiences. Last night we were meeting Rory's grandmother for dinner at Dennys. It was horrible. They told us that the only big booth was just starting to eat, so it would be a good wait. We sat down in the waiting area, which was right in front of the bathrooms and right outside the smoking section. The smoking section was this huge room, which had a lot of big booths, but there were only 2 people in there sitting at the same table. They didn't have good ventilation either, because the whole place was smoky. I talked everybody into leaving, because I'm an over protective mother that doesn't want her baby breathing in all that second hand smoke. Not to mention it was not a clean restaurant. I will never eat Dennys ever again.
I have good news though. Colleen went to the plastic surgeon on Friday. He was amazed by how fast she's healed. She needs no more bandages, just lots of lotion on her burn. If we keep her out of the sun this summer, she should have no sign of scars or anything. When he came in the room to examine her the first thing he said was "wow, she's healed." God had answered all our prayers. :)


At 7:38 AM , Blogger Sara said...

dennys sucks here too.

At 8:04 AM , Blogger emily said...

it's kind of a policy of mine to never go to Denny's. And I've never been here, or maybe anywhere. But it just scares me. Reputation proceeds it I guess


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