Thursday, February 02, 2006

hard week

I haven't been able to post, because Colleen had an accident on Tuesday afternoon. She pulled down hot tea on her and got badly burned. My mom and I immediately soaker her with cold water, removed her clothes, and took her to the ER. They took care of her burn and gave her some morphine through and IV and the Lifeline helicopter took her to the children's hospital in PA. I couldn't go with her. That was the absolute worst experience of my life. She got 2nd degree burns to 10% of her. Mostly her left shoulder, chest, and abdomen. Tuesday evening when I arrived at the hospital they told me that we would be there several days and that on Wednesday they would giver her more morphine through the IV and the plastic surgeon would change her bandages and then Thursday and Friday try it with just Tylonal 3 and maybe go home after that. I prayed for her so much that night while she was sleeping and asked God touch her and heal her and I know many other people were praying for her and God took care of her, because Tuesday night she slept all night without waking up for pain meds and the plastic surgeon said she looked good enough for the nurses to change her bandages with tylonal 3 and send us home. A nurse came by the house today to help me change them and it was hard and painful for colleen, but it is still a miracle that she healed so well to come home the day after the accident. We should still be at the hospital right now according to the doctors. She is doing so well too. She is playing and happy. Besides the bandage changes once a day she doesn't act like she is any kind of pain at all. I know if I had those burns on my body I'd be laid up in bed. God has given her so much strength and an amazing sense of humor. She was laughing and having fun in the hospital yesterday. They had a splint on her arm to keep it strait for the IV and when she was trying to eat she couldn't reach her hand to her mouth. I thought she was going to get frustrated, but she just laughed so hard about it. I just wanted to let those of you who were praying for her that she is doing well and thank you so much. I know that God heard every single prayer and is going to continue to heal her very quickly. Knowing that is the only reason I have been able to sleep at all since this happened. Just please continue to pray for her and also for strength for my parents and I each time we change her bandages, because it is hard.


At 5:29 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I am so glad Colleen is being healed quickly. Yea God!

At 7:04 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Praying for you all.


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