Sunday, February 12, 2006

Hooray for snow

It snowed yesterday and today. We got about 12 inches. Colleen and I had so much fun playing in the snow. She loved it. It was her first snow. She built her first snow man. boy do I love snow. Its so beautiful and refreshing. The sad news is the snow will melt fast, because its supposed to be warm this week. I'm not going to complain though, because I got to play in the snow.
I'm drinking an egg cream soda right now. Don't know why it is called that, but its yummy. you put chocolate syrup in a glass and then about an inch of whole milk and then seltzer water and stir. Very refreshing. I'm going to go to bed soon though, so I'll probably have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I hate it when that happens, because then it takes me forever to fall back asleep and as soon as I do it always seems like Colleen wakes up. I don't know why, but it takes me forever to fall asleep. Its because I think to much. I can't turn my brain off. I think about everything pretty much.
Colleen likes to have jobs. Its so much fun to her. One of her jobs is to feed the dogs. She lines up the dog dishes on her little table and scoops the dog food into each one and then takes them one by one to the dogs. As she puts them down she calls the dogs. Bandit is "bambi", Patch is "PAA", and Chance is "Chas." It is the cutest thing ever.


At 6:30 PM , Blogger Erin said...

I am glad that you got snow. It is about time huh? If you move out west some Colleen can have snow time every winter.

At 11:09 AM , Blogger Sara said...

Colleen is so cute in her snow outfit!


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