Monday, February 27, 2006

I go home this week

Colleen and I are going home on Friday. I'm kind of excited to get home, because rory comes home later next week. But I'm also going to miss hanging out with my parents. I'm glad Colleen got some time to spend with them. She had lots of fun being spoiled. Tonight we're going to mammas to eat. Its a little Italian place that I love. I have to eat there every time I come up this way. The bread on their subs is homemade and delicious. mmmmmm. Its just a tiny hole-in-the-wall joint, that most people wouldn't think of stopping at, because it is not the most attractive place, but it is the best place ever. I think Americans have gotten hooked on chain restaurants and miss out on special little places like mammas.
My mom highlighted my hair last night. The color is called caramel. It was so much fun. I love change. Maybe its because I grew up moving around. I think my sister has blogged on the subject of change in the past. I've lived in North Carolina for I think going on 6 years. The longest I've ever lived anywhere. I have ants in my pants to move. You can ask Rory. I ask him all the time about orders and applying for different programs at different bases. If God wants me to stay in North Carolina though, I've learned to deal with my eagerness to move. I rearrange the house all the time for change. I do stuff like dye my hair or take trips up to the folks. That's always fun. This summer we get to take a trip to Colorado for my brother's wedding. yippeeeeee.


At 1:11 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Hey... I want mamas. I'm always jealous, you get mamas and the best chinese food ever. Glad you got to highlight your hair. I'm glad you are the same as me with change, some people don't understand that part of me. :) but you do. I talked about you at Chi Alpha on Thurs. I said that if I could spend tomorrow with anyone in the world past or present that I would choose my twin sister - I think because we have so much FUN together! I like laughing a lot with you! :) We do laugh a lot! :)

At 4:56 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I heard about Colleen kissing the computer where the was a picture of her dad. Safe travels.

At 8:24 AM , Blogger emily said...

i love finding holes in the wall that have good food. we went to a mexican bakery the other day in idaho falls that was a hole--i don't think white people would go there--but it was sooooo good and cheap


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