Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year...almost

So, I have to say New Year's Eve is a lot different when you have kids. Its 10:47 right now and I'm hoping to make it to midnight. I think I can. Maybe. We'll see. Tonight we had a New Year's Eve party with the kids and Sara. Colleen put on her favorite dress and made me dress up. She was so excited to have a party. We ate typical party food and played games, including candy land. Her prize for winning candyland was a new puzzle. She was really disappointed it wasn't candy. Silly me, why didn't I think of having candy as a prize for candyland? Then we played freeze dance. Colleen had a blast, but we all got tired, so it turned into us watching her dance. Then we watched a movie on the family channel called Ice Princess. Colleen loved it. She did pretty good. She made it until almost 10:00 and then told me she wanted to go to bed. It was fun. New Year's Eve parties are so fun once you have kids. We may not dress up and go out on the town, but to me staying at home with my kids is a blast. Colleen really knows how to have fun.


At 9:49 PM , Blogger Steph said...

That does look like fun. I would like to go to a colleen hosted party


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