Friday, December 07, 2007

The saddest thing in the world

It breaks my heart when my kids are sick. Wednesday afternoon colleen started puking. That went on all night until we finally took her to the ER early morning, because I was worried about dehydration and she hadn't slept at all. They had to put an IV in her. Its soo sad when they are so little and so sick. She was so big getting the IV though. SHe didn't cry or move. She's the strongest little girl I've ever seen. She's been doing better today, just a super sore throat and achy body. Last night she had a high fever, but that broke during the night. We are all super tired from being up all night Wednesday. We were supposed to go home yesterday, but Colleen couldn't travel, so rory had to catch a flight home alone. It was sad.
The saddest part was it snowed Wednesday and Colleen was so excited, but she only got to play in it about 10 minutes, because she got sick. She didn't get to build her snowman. So sad. Its going to melt today.


At 8:18 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Poor Colleen. That makes me sad that she didn't get to play in the snow with her new boots you bought. tell her to get better soon.

At 12:04 PM , Blogger emily said...

I've never heard of a little kid not crying or trying to yank their arm away with an IV. That's truly remarkable. Poor Colleen. Hope she feels better soon, and I pray none of the rest of the family gets it!

At 6:32 PM , Blogger Janel said...

yeah, they brought in people to hold her down for the IV, but they didn't have to. Even taking the IV out she just layed there listening to a story I was telling her. She still tells me to be careful with her arm and that the nurse said to rest it to make it better.


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