Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Sara and my parents came down on Saturday to spend the holiday. Yesterday we did last minute shopping and made our traditional cheese ball for our Christmas Eve party tonight. fun. We're going to take Colleen ice skating for the first time today and then attend the Christmas eve service and come home to have our annual Christmas Eve Party!!! Hooray! And sometime during the day Colleen is going to be making brownies for Santa. This is the first year colleen is really excited about Christmas and its Nolan's first Christmas, so it will be special. Colleen is starting to understand a little what Christmas is all about. Its cute. The other day she was playing her guitar and singing a song about baby Jesus, but it was a sad song. She sang about how Mary forgot to buy baby Jesus candy canes and he was sad. It was cute.


At 5:14 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Merry Christmas Janel!

At 6:14 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I like when she makes up songs and stories.

At 7:26 PM , Blogger Fawn said...

Merry christmas!


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