Tuesday, November 06, 2007

what a day

My mom stayed with us last week. It was so nice. She took me shopping and allowed me to try on clothes while she watched the kids. She also cooked dinners and played a lot with Colleen. Yesterday my parents went home, then last night I got a phone call that Rory got hurt playing football and was taking an ambulance ride. Turns out he broke his collar bone 3 times. He does so much around the house and with the kids, but now he's got 3-4 month recovery. stinks. He has either surgery or resetting the bone on Thursday. ouch! Poor guy. My mom is my hero though. She's already on the way back down to help out this week and take him to the doctor and help with the baby. I still feel bad that Rory can't even pick up his baby boy for awhile. My mom will be here in about 4 hours. hooray.
Oh, and I hate daylight savings time. People with young children don't gain an hour of sleep. Colleen's internal alarm clock has been waking me up at 530 since time change. I say NO MORE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!! BRIAN, REMEMBER WHEN I WROTE ALL MY EMAILS IN CAPS?


At 5:27 PM , Blogger Steph said...

what a good mom! I hope Rory recovers quickly. It sounds so painful.

At 12:10 AM , Blogger brian said...


At 5:30 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Wow, poor Rory... I hope he gets better soon!


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