Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Barking Dogs!!!

So, we have new neighbors right behind us. They have 2 dogs that they just leave out to bark all hours. So annoying. Especially when they wake Nolan up continuously throughout the night. Last night Colleen couldn't fall asleep. She told me she was putting in pretend ear plugs. They even sleep with sound machines to drown out noises. All the planes taking off and landing from the flight line don't even wake them up, but those darn dogs do. It is so irritating and its not the dogs' fault. Its the owners. It is the owners having no respect for everyone else living around them. One of the dogs is some kind of chow mix. It is really cute. The other is a black lab. I do not trust that dog. It has a look in his eye and I get bad vibes from him. I've told Colleen to stay away from him. I'm a dog lover and I've never had such a strong feeling of distrust towards any dog in my life. I won't let Colleen play in the back yard, because I'm afraid he'll jump the fence. I just have a really bad feeling about that dog. I'm going to listen to my instincts on that one. At least we only have a few weeks left here. We'll just play out front until then. Owners that just let their dogs bark constantly really irritate me though.


At 5:30 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Sometimes I feel bad for pets that don't seem loved by their owners.

At 10:06 PM , Blogger Sara said...

poor pups. poor kids. I hate it when people leave their dogs out to bark all night long. we have to dogs behind us that do the same thing. we cant hear em too well during the winter but during the summer if we every have our windows open at night they are soooo annoying.


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