Thursday, July 03, 2008

My Little Man

Nolan is 9 months old now. Babies grow so fast. He crawls all over the house now. He's my little monkey, if there is something for him to climb on, he climbs on it. He is always happy and hates to sleep. He doesn't want to miss out on anything. He loves to laugh. If anybody starts laughing, he joins right in. He's also a ham. Yesterday at his 9 month appointment, he had all the nurses laughing really hard. He kept putting his blanket over his head and making the silliest face when he pulled it off. That is one of his favorite games. He's also my old lady magnet. Everywhere we go little old ladies stop to talk to us. He loves to quack like a duck. He crawls around the house quacking like a duck and every time he sees a picture of a duck he gets excited and quacks. He loves food. If he sees the bag of baby cookies, he gets so excited. He likes to dance. Its so cute when babies dance. He's a very early riser, but is so happy morning. He is interested in everything he can't have, such as cords, outlets, remotes, cell phones. He loves his big sister. He loves to tug on her hair, she thinks its funny. He is such a fun baby, I just know he's going to grow up to be an easy going person.


At 2:18 PM , Blogger emily said...

CUTENESS. It's fun to hear about Nolan's personality. He sounds like a lot of fun.

At 10:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

he is so cute. what a sweet boy. can't wait to meet him...hopefully soon since you will be so close :)

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Steph said...

He sounds like a fun boy. I love the picture with his wide eyes.

At 5:33 PM , Blogger Sara said...

he's adorable! I'm happy to be spending time with him!!!!

At 6:29 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Great pictures! I bet he is a fun kid!


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