Monday, July 14, 2008


We've been here in Maryland for one week now. I have no clue where the time went. This past week has gone by so fast. Rory left on Sunday to go back home. I stayed up with the kids to spend more time with the parents and Sara. Yesterday evening, us girls had a splendid tea party. Colleen really knows how to throw a tea party. Today we ate a yummy lunch at Chic Fila and had an afternoon of shopping at the outlet mall. It was only in the 80s and so nice to be outside and spend time with my mom and Sara. We always have a grand time together. I bought a cool tent thing from the outlet mall and tonight we are going to have a pajama/slumber party. Colleen is so excited. Her first slumber party. We made pie and bought a ton of junk food and snacks. I can't wait until we move closer to Sara. I will miss being a days drive from my parents though. Our family always has such a good time together. We all have hopes that my dad will get a job out west in the near future so that we can all be close.


At 3:21 PM , Blogger emily said...

i think you must have the cutest kids ever

At 8:53 PM , Blogger Steph said...

You have kids who like to party too. Your always having a new party!


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