Wednesday, July 30, 2008

27 days

We load the moving truck in 27 days. My parents came down with the kids and I on Sunday. They spent 2 days working so hard helping us pack. My mom has my kitchen packed. She only left out a few essentials for cooking and eating. They have us pretty much packed with the exception of some clothes, furniture, and a few items like pictures and books. I have the absolute best parents in the world. They have always worked so hard to help us with moving, the kids, and traveling. They go way out of their way to help us out. I nominate them parents of the decade.
The other day I took the dogs to the vet for their shots and check up before we move. They were concerned about Patch, because he's so old and has hip displacia, but his blood work came back fine. Bandit's blood work came back with his white blood cell count way off. The vet is suspecting something with his liver or cushings disease. Cushings disease has something to do with the adrenal gland. I won't go into detail. You can google it if you are curious. So, now I have to collect a urine sample from him and take it down to the vet, which is a 20 minute drive. Normally this wouldn't be a hard task, but with a baby and 3 year old it makes it challenging to get it done by myself. I know my neighbors are going to be wondering what I'm doing following my beagle around with a pan to catch his pee. The things we do for our dogs. For anyone wanting a dog, they are wonderful companions, but expensive.
I am so ready to get off this base. They are running exercises this week. The siren and loud speaker have been going off constantly for days. Nolan is always waking up with it. His naps have been short and it has been waking him up at night. Its crazy. I'm going to lose my mind.


At 7:10 PM , Blogger Sara said...

You move so soon. I can't believe it!!


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