Saturday, August 25, 2007

public restrooms

I am so frustrated with public restrooms. I always have to go, because the baby is sitting on my bladder, but every bathroom stall I have been in lately is a tight squeeze. The doors open to the inside, so when I try to open the door from the inside I have to squeeze my belly out. Colleen is usually with me too, so I just started using the handicap stalls so that we have room. The other day in walmart Colleen and I both had to go. We were using the handicap stall and this lady stood right outside the stall very impatiently. When we came out, she started huffing and puffing about people who aren't handicap using the handicap stalls. I just ignored her. With the way my hormones have been lately, she's lucky I didn't give her a piece of my mind.
I had an appointment the other day with my midwife. She said that the baby is extremely low. I can tell. I have to use the bathroom about 6 or 7 times a night.


At 1:57 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Don't mind the restroom lady. I think as a mom with a kid you do have the right to go in the larger stall if someone isn't already there waiting.


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