Monday, August 27, 2007

Almost broke down

I was pouring a pepsi in a glass for Rory and I almost gave in. It was the smell and the fizz on ice. I just wanted to down that glass of pepsi right there. Something inside me was saying "take a sip. Just one sip won't hurt, nobody would know." Then I snapped out of it. I almost killed my no drinking soda streak, not even making it to five months. Not even close to my previous 5 year record. Shame on me.
Rory and I have been going through bins in our closets trying to get a little more organized before baby comes. Yesterday I found stuff from high school and college. A lot of it made me laugh. I came across some songs that Sara and I wrote. If I laughed any harder, I probably would have gone into labor. We had such talent. I wonder why we didn't pursue our song writing careers. Here is just a sample from a song, it was called the cowboy song:

There is a cowboy that lives down the street
Yes, a cowboy I'd really like to meet.
He wears his cowboy hat
He wears his cowboy boots.
I'd like to meet that cowboy
I'd like to meet that cowboy.
He rides his horse to work everyday
he rides his horse to work all the way
(harmonica solo)

Ya, he lives down the way
I'm gonna talk to him someday
Maybe I'll bring him brownies and milk
Maybe I'll make him cookies and cake
(harmonica solo)

We were such silly girls. Actually, I believe we recorded these songs on tape. The long lost tape. I bet Sara has it. Anyways, reading our songs made me laugh lots. So silly. Good times.


At 6:51 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Yes, I kinda almost remember the tune to that song! I sooo wish I can find that tape. It was definitely a GREAT song! thats so funny. I can't believe you found those words! Those were the good ol' days right there!


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