Sunday, August 12, 2007

What is wrong with me?

I have been so irritable lately. I guess I could blame it on pregnancy hormones or the heat. I get frustrated at pretty much everything and even the littlest things bother me. So many things about this old house really bug my lately. Stupid little things. The air conditioner is super loud when it runs, my kitchen is always hot, the paint is chipping off the walls in some places, I can't run the microwave and toaster at the same time or I blow a fuse, oh and the doors stick, because there is so much paint on the walls. If we could afford it, I would so move off base. Usually little things don't bother me so much. It has to be pregnancy hormones. I keep telling myself to be thankful for the positive things. Like my air conditioner working in this 100+ degree weather. I should be thankful that we don't have to pay for utilities, so that I am able to run my air conditioning as much as I want. I'm pretty sure that little things are bothering me, because I'm 35 weeks pregnant, but I feel bad for feeling that way and I feel like I'm being selfish a lot of times. Then I feel like crying for being so selfish. Pregnancy is such a crazy thing. Not only does your body go through a million changes, but your emotions are all over the place. I think I need an ice cold yoo hoo.


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