Thursday, July 12, 2007

Third Trimester Cravings

The foods I enjoy have changed with this last part of my pregnancy:
Ice cold Yoo Hoo
Garlic stuffed olives
and pickles
One craving I have been having that I have yet to satisfy is Junior Mints. I've been dying for a box of junior mints all week.

I'm excited, because tomorrow Sara will be flying into North Carolina with Fawn. Colleen and I are going to meet them in Raleigh and on Saturday we're all going to drive up to my parents' house in Maryland for a few days. Fun! I only wish Rory could come with us.

Right now I'm waiting for my mopped floor to dry so I can go to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night, but its my own fault. I got stuck watching The Philadelphia Story. If you haven't seen it, it is a great Jimmy Stewart movie. If I come across a Jimmy Stewart movie on tv I just can't stop watching it. They are always entertaining. If I had a party and could invite anyone past or present I would so invite Jimmy Stewart. He could even bring Harvey with him. One thing that always drives me crazy about old movies though is how the men grab the women by the upper arms to pull them in for a kiss. And the women just stare up at them so helpless. I would've punched a guy in the stomach if he grabbed me like that to kiss me. Old movies are cheesy in that way though.

Oh yeah, 3 weeks until the release of The Bourne Ultimatum!


At 1:41 AM , Blogger brian said...

Not just Jimmy Stewart, but Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn! All time classic!

At 2:48 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Haven't you always like Yoo Hoo's? I remember you and Sara talking about how good they were in Turkey. Oh, the good ole days...

I hope you have a great trip!

At 12:01 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I can't wait until Bourne Ultimatum. Yep, I'll be there. Make Sara buy you a box of Junior Mints!

At 6:37 PM , Blogger emily said...

philadelphia story is one of my favorites! CK DEXTER HAVEN!

At 9:26 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Did you go see the Bourne Ultimatum??!! I liked it!


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