Saturday, June 30, 2007

We're Home

We're home from visiting Sara. We had lots of fun. It was really relaxing spending time in Idaho and Montana. Colleen had a ton of fun with her auntie Sara. I think she had more fun in Idaho though, because she had some nasty allergies in Montana. She fell in love with Sara's dog Sadie. Sadie is really good with kids. Rory also had a good time on the trip. He really enjoyed golfing with Sara. He's already talking about wanting to take another trip out that way. I knew once I got him out there he would love it. It was hard coming back to North Carolina, but my parents are coming for the 4th and then Sara comes in a couple weeks, so we're looking forward to that.


At 4:46 PM , Blogger Steph said...

It was fun to meet the rest of your family!! I'm glad you had a good time out west.

At 9:21 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Colleen curls her toes just like us. look at the pic on the front steps!! She has a great smile too!!!!

At 9:02 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Great pics! It sounds like you guys had loads of fun.


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