Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Why do I blog?

I haven't been in the mood to blog lately. In fact, I've been wondering why I blog. I'm kind of wondering at the moment if it is pointless. Well, Today I had Wendy's for dinner. I stuffed myself, because I ate my Wendy's and what my daughter didn't finish eating. I felt so horrible that I talked Rory into going for a Rollerblade. I love to rollerblade. Its so much fun. Colleen loves going fast in the stroller too.
Last night I couldn't sleep. Sometimes I have problems falling asleep, because my brain doesn't want to turn off. In an hour of laying in bed I think of a dozen different things. One of the things I was thinking about last night was how my family is all spread out over the country. I think we're a pretty close family, but we live in Washington, Idaho, Maryland, and North Carolina. I wonder what it would be like to all live in the same town, spend every birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving together. That would just be grand. Like in the movies. Speaking of movies, it is almost time to break out the Its A Wonderful Life DVD. Thanksgiving day is the first day of watching it. Its tradition. I can't wait though, I think I'll watch it November 1st. I love that movie. If there is anybody else out there that likes it also, I must recommend watching A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I have the book. I've read it about 5 or 6 times. The movie is pretty good too.


At 6:32 PM , Blogger Sara said...

you blog because i like to read them.... ;)

At 9:20 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I like your blogs too. This is the only way I see janel ;)
The last 4 or so years I have worked the day before and after Thanksgiving. I drive to see my family and drive back Thursday night. Then I watch It's a Wonderful Life. (or Little Women one year and Jimmy the next night)

At 2:25 AM , Blogger brian said...

I like to read your blog too!!! Have you seen The Shop Around the Corner? This has a little bit of Christmas in it too. Anything with Jimmy Stewart is good though.

At 4:23 AM , Blogger Erin said...

I like reading your blog too!

At 8:58 AM , Blogger emily said...

I'm with Steph. If you didn't blog, I'd never get to see you or know what's going on with you, and I get to see pics of your baby girl! I like you; I think you're funny; and you should keep blogging!


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