Saturday, June 10, 2006


Today is Saturday. Rory was sweet and tried to let me sleep in. He got up when Colleen got up at 6:30. They let me sleep in until 7:00 and then came in and turned the TV on and climbed all over me. That's ok though, her cute little smile woke me up. I'm enjoying coffee right now. I was spoiled drinking Seattle's Best, but then I ran out, so now I'm drinking my coffee reserve, which is folgers. Doesn't taste quite the same after Seattle's Best. Right now Colleen is putting all her toys on the couch, because she wants to vacuum. Silly Girl.
Today is Saturday. I don't have any big plans. I think we're going to that crazy walmart place to get some totes to help organize my closet. I watched a show on spider bites and it inspired me to totally clean my closets and contain my stuff in totes. I've had spider nightmares since I've seen it, so I think I'll feel better after organizing my closets. Maybe I shouldn't watch the discovery channel anymore. I think after walmart Colleen and I will play in her pool. Fun times.


At 8:41 PM , Blogger Sara said...

That sounds like a nice saturday... i slept in till 9... sleeping in probably means something total different when you have kids. :) Someday soon Colleen will be old enough to entertain herself when she wakes up and you will sleep in and she will decide to make you breakfast and when you awake there will be a HUGE mess all over the kitchen... and it'll be cute. :)
i don't like spiders.


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