Friday, May 26, 2006

sooooooo stinking HOT!!!!!

It is so hot today. I hate the heat. I love cold weather. This morning Colleen and I filled up her pool and played in it. That was fun, but now it is wayyyyyyyyy too hot to be outside. Rory put foil in our upstairs windows to try and keep it cooler up there. You know what sounds good? A happy hour slushie from Sonic, but then I would have to go out into the heat to get it.
I have krazy glue on my fingers. I was gluing seashells on a picture frame and somehow I managed to get the glue all over my fingers. I think I'll be working on peeling it off for a few days. That is so totally something I would do though. I'm not surprised. I don't know how many of you have heard the story of when I super glued my cuddle duds to my jeans. In case you don't know, cuddle duds are women's long johns, but super soft and cozy. I was wearing them under a pair of jeans one day in Alaska. I don't remember what I was working on, but I was using super glue. For some reason I put the little tube of super glue in my pocket. I guess over the course of the day, the super glue leaked all in my pocket and I did not notice. When I went to get undressed that night, I realized that I super glued my jeans to my cuddle duds. So, from that point on I had a pair of permanently lined jeans. It worked ok in the winter.


At 8:06 PM , Blogger Erin said...

I am surprised at how muggy it is here already even though the temperature is pretty low. Everything is stuffy and wet feeling. I can only imagine how much worse it is for you down there!

At 9:11 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Ha, Ha. You should try marketing Cuddle Dud lined jeans to Alaskans.


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