Saturday, May 20, 2006

funny warnings

I got a new cell phone and I was reading the book that came with it and under the warnings I read "do not try to dry your phone in a microwave oven." Do you think people actually tried that enough that they had to warn us not to do it? I laughed and laughed.


At 2:06 PM , Blogger Sara said...

quite odd, i'm not sure i would ever think to (say this next party really slow) dry - my - cell - phone - in - the - microwave!

At 3:00 PM , Blogger emily said...

i'm sorry to say this, but people ARE stupid. I don't doubt that someone tried that and the company probably got sued because they didn't have that warning on the insert

At 6:10 PM , Blogger Janel said...

People are stupid. Sometimes Rory gets mad at people when he is driving and I have a saying that I always remind him of, "Sometimes you just have to let people be stupid." You can't get mad or irritated, you just have to step back and let them be stupid. I still think that phone warning is funny. I told my dad, so he read his cell phone manual and he had a warning that said "do not paint your phone." silly, just silly.

At 4:52 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I laughed out loud. My boss moved into a new house a couple of years ago. The first week in the house her son stuck her work cell phone in the microwave and turned it on. The microwave and cell phone were fried. She brought the phone (stuck to the microwave plate) into work. Funny!

At 4:43 PM , Blogger emily said...

Janel, i believe you have deep wisdom. I'm going to adopt this "let people be stupid" philosophy, then maybe they won't irritate me so much


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