Friday, March 21, 2008

I love spring

I love spring. I love fall. I love winter. I'm not so into summer. The only time I like summer is when we're on the beach. Maybe if I lived in a different climate I'd like summer. Fall is my favorite. Today I enjoyed a picnic in the park with the kids. One of the pleasures of spring. Soon it will be too hot to fully enjoy the park.

Rory likes dipping potato chips in cream cheese. I think he is kinda weird. Plain cream cheese. So odd. He has passed this down to colleen. She also likes this as a treat.

The other day Colleen made Nolan laugh so hard that he spit up and had baby cereal come out his nose. It shocked him and he wouldn't take a breath. It was kinda scary in the moment. I guess now Colleen can say she was the first one to make nolan laugh so hard that food came out his nose.

I bought a dress to wear for Easter service. Yes, I am going to wear a dress. Shocking, I know. I usually wear jeans to church. I'll take a picture of colleen and I all dressed up.

I bought myself some cadbury creme eggs for the Easter bunny to leave when he leaves the kids baskets.

I've been dying to fly a kite lately. I haven't flown a kite since my childhood. One of these days I will take Colleen to a park to fly a kite.


At 1:06 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Happy Birthday Janel!!!


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