Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tom and Jerry

Colleen is really into watching Tom and Jerry lately. I always let her watch it while I'm doing a little house work or cooking. I figured it was harmless, because its a classic. I think everybody watched Tom and Jerry when they were younger. Today i cuddled with her and watched it and began to wonder if Tom and Jerry is really a good cartoon for a 3 year old. Today I saw Tom cut a lamp cord that was plugged into the wall with scissors and then in another episode he downed a bunch of pills so he could fall asleep. Not to mention all the violence Tom and Jerry inflict on each other. I just talked to Colleen about how its just a cartoon. I guess I watched it when I was little and it didn't screw me up.
Super bowl is on right now. Rory is down the street at a party. I went with the kids long enough to stuff my face and then head home with the baby. Rory brought Colleen home at half time. She was having fun with the other kids. I think there were 4 families there and between us about 20 kids. Of course only 2 of the 20 were ours. The other 18 are probably still running around like crazy. Mine are sound asleep and I'm enjoying my peaceful house. I think I'll watch the rest of the 4th while I read some of my book.


At 5:40 PM , Blogger Sara said...

i like tom and jerry.


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