Friday, February 15, 2008


Today is Friday!!! Friday. What does Friday mean? Trash Day. Some Fridays I'm bummed, because it means a long weekend while Rory is at work, but this Friday I'm feeling pretty good, because Rory is off this weekend and my parents are on their way down to visit. I need to get the house cleaned up today and start a marinade for my dinner I'm making. I have plans on honey mustard pork tenderloins and this potato dish I made up. I slice red potatoes and toss them in olive oil then sprinkle them with emril seasoning and shredded cheddar. super yummy. Colleen has plans on making brownies in a heart shaped pan for her grandma and grandad.
Yesterday, she had such a fun day. In the morning she got a special delivery of candy, balloons, and a pretty pink dog. It was from her daddy. At first she was kinda nervous when the lady asked "are you colleen?" She hid behind me. I think she thought she was in trouble or something. One time awhile back she had a really bad day and I threatened daycare if she didn't start behaving. I normally don't dish out threats, but I was so tired that day from being up all night with Nolan. Anyways, she thought the lady was from daycare. AFter she realized she had a special delivery for her, she was super excited. I didn't get anything done yesterday. I just had fun with Colleen all day. We made fresh squeezed lemonade. She's been dying to make lemonade. They made it in one of her shows. She had a lot of fun doing that. I love fresh squeezed juices. so yummy.
This weekend we have plans on taking Colleen ice skating. Grandad is bringing down a surprise for Colleen. her very own ice skates. She's going to be so happy. Ever since she saw this movie called "Ice Princess" she's been asking for skates. Its going to be fun seeing her open them. Oh yeah, my parents are bringing down my birthday present too. They found a love seat from a warehouse that is the match to the Ethan allen couch we have. The couch was my grandparents. I love it. my parents spent a lot of time and hard work fixing up the love seat they found. It is a super special present. I know I'll love it. They're the best parents ever.


At 4:40 PM , Blogger Sara said...

What a sweet love seat!!! :) What sweet parents!!! :)


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