Saturday, June 02, 2007

Irritating things about pregnancy

I love being pregnant. It is such a blessing and feeling the baby moving and kicking is so much fun. But, there are a few things about pregnancy that are irritating. Hormones to start. Hormones cause me to be so emotional and irritable. For example, yesterday I cried because I had to kill a roach. I cried more about the fact that there was a roach then the actually killing of the roach. The other day it was hot and I did not like it. It made me crabby. We were on our way home from walmart, when at a red light Rory noticed something was wrong. He asked me what was wrong and I snapped at him that it was too hot to sit at a red light. Another irritating thing about pregnancy is that I cannot do dishes without getting my belly all wet. It happens every single time. So frustrating. Also frustrating is the fact that when you are pregnant you constantly have to pee. Constantly. I get up a minimum of two times during the night to use the bathroom. No wonder I'm always tired. I may have to wear Depends on the flight to visit Sara, so that I don't have to use the closet bathroom 4 times during the 4 hour flight. I hate airplane bathrooms. They are tiny and smell. Speaking of smells, when a woman is pregnant her sense of smell becomes super sensitive. I smell things that nobody else can and certain smells bother me that usually wouldn't. I had some shampoo that I had to throw out, because the smell made me nauseous. The last thing that is frustrating about being pregnant is sleeping. You can't sleep on your stomach or back when you are prego, so that leaves sleeping on one side or the other. To sleep comfortably I must have a pillow between my knees and under my belly. Luckily, some genius invented body pillows, so I just prop that between my knees and under my belly. The tricky thing is when I need to roll over. I have to bring my body pillow and my belly with me when I roll over. It is quite a task.
In the end though, I love being pregnant. So much fun. I don't have to lift heavy things and Rory gets to clean the bathrooms for 9 months.


At 8:16 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Depends... I don't blame you!

At 10:29 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I think I'm experiencing all the effects of your pregnancy too!!!!


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