Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Today was such a good day

I had such a good day with my little Colleen today. Every day with her is a good day, but we treated ourselves today with some shopping and starbucks. First, we went shopping at Kohls. I didn't find anything for me, but I bought some cute stuff for Colleen. Then we went into starbucks, I got a coffee frap (decaf of course) and we ate pumpkin loaf together. Colleen and I love that stuff. We don't do it often, because starbucks is expensive. It was a special treat. Colleen loves sitting in starbucks. She bobs to the music while she eats her pumpkin loaf. Then we came home and sat out in the beautiful sunshine and blew bubbles. I bought her a bubble thing at Kohls. Then Colleen napped and this afternoon we went on a walk. Walks are fun with her, because I just ask her which way she wants to go and we go. We always eventually end up back at home. Then to top it all off, she went pee pee on the big potty twice tonight. I was so excited. I think I also enjoyed the day, because I didn't do any housework. I'll have to catch up tomorrow, but it was nice to just do fun stuff today. I didn't even cook dinner. The microwave did. I love Easy Mac.


At 6:02 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I like Khols too and rumor is one may be coming to IF. I bet your Colleen is way cute at Starbucks!

At 9:39 AM , Blogger Sara said...

I want to spend a day with you and colleen like that! In June maybe? ? ? ? ? I LOVE PUMPKIN LOAF.

At 5:49 PM , Blogger emily said...

your day sounded absolutely delightful. I could picture you two in my head at Starbuck's with Colleen's head happily bobbing.

At 7:17 PM , Blogger Erin said...

That sounds like a wonderful day. She is obviously smart if she is already enjoying her time in the coffee shop! :-)


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