Saturday, June 24, 2006

I hate being sick

So, I had a sick kid all week, then on Thursday I came down with what she had. It was awful. Major sore throat, fever, pounding headache and body aches. Colleen is totally better. She's been on antibiotics since Monday. I am feeling better without antibiotics. I went in on Friday, but they won't call me until Monday with my strep test results. I'm hoping it is negative and its just a virus or something I'm fighting. I've been drinking club soda by the gallon. It feels sooo good on my throat and without the sugar that other soda has. I have pretty bad cabin fever though. Colleen has been sick since Monday, so besides trips to the doctor, I've been in the house all week. Colleen was feeling it too. We let her play out in her pool today.


At 7:51 PM , Blogger emily said...

sounds like you have the flu, janel. Did Colleen's culture come back positive?

At 7:32 AM , Blogger Janel said...

colleen's culture came back negative. They had already put her on antibiotics though. I know my grandad used to hate how quickly some doctors prescribed antibiotics.

At 3:37 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I hope you feel better soon


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