Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Monday

I was really excited about today, because Rory was off and he was going to spend daddy-daughter time with Colleen while I went to get my hair cut and do some shopping for shoes. I got my hair cut, but that was it. Colleen had a really high fever, so we had to take her in. The doctor thinks she has strep throat. She said it is unusual for children under 3 though. We find out tomorrow for sure. In the mean time, her fever has gone down and she has managed to eat a popsicle and some fruit. She looked so ill earlier today. It was sooo sad. My poor baby. I think she got it from a play group I take her too.
Tonight is game 7 of the NHL playoffs. I know none of you care, but it is super exciting. The occasion totally calls for a super pretzel and a beer. I hope Edmonton beats the snot out of Carolina. Speaking of beating the snot out of people. Rory has this ringer on his phone that irritates me. Its this guy and when his phone rings it says "answer you darn(but it doesn't say darn) phone! Answer the phone before I whoop the snot out of ya and then beat your a** for having a runny nose." I can't stand that ring. yeah, the first time I heard it I laughed, but then I got to thinking about when Colleen hears it. That is the last thing I want her to say in church when somebody forgets to turn the ringer off their phone.


At 8:29 PM , Blogger Sara said...

yeah, that ringer might be bad if colleen starts imitating it.
I love it that its hocky playoffs, but i'm sad that i didn't get to see any of it because i don't have cable... but i saw the sad outcome of the game.
tell colleen to get better!

At 8:43 PM , Blogger Steph said...

poor Colleen. I hope she gets better and that the doctors are great


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