Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Here is the News...

In case you didn't have a clue by my last blog, I am prego. I just suffered two months of terrible nausea and morning/all day sickness. Not fun! I'm in my second trimester now and that is starting to fade away. I'm still tired all the time and sick sometimes, but not constantly like before. Now I'm starting to hit the cravings. Pickles is my afternoon craving. I also have been craving a Pork Chop Johns sandwich from Montana. Sara is going to save me though and bring me some when she comes up next month for our birthday! We had been planning a huge trip or destination celebration for our 30th, but things have change with my pregnancy since I haven't been feeling well. I still hope Sara has fun just coming here. My parents and Andrew and Jenn are also coming out, so the whole fam will be here. I can't wait!


At 12:05 PM , Blogger Steph said...

You will have SO MUCH fun, even in WA, with the entire family. How exciting for you!

At 2:28 PM , Blogger emily said...

Yay for babies!!! When are you due?

At 8:02 AM , Blogger Janel said...

First week of September. Rory will be deployed all summer. I really hope he gets home before baby comes.

At 12:00 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Aug 30 is a good day ;)


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