Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What day is it?

This month has flown by so far for me. We started May out moving into a 3 bedroom house on base. My mom came down to help and I honestly believe we wouldn't have been moved and cleared our inspection at our old house if it weren't for my mom helping. She even unpacked boxes as she brought them in. The first day she completely had my kitchen unpacked and put away. If anybody needs moving help they should call my mom. She is a pro. Last week we drove her home on Wednesday and stayed until Sunday. We really miss having her here.
It was kind of crazy up there. First my dog threw up all over my mom's guest bed. Ruined the comforter and it was a mess to clean up. Then Friday morning we had to take Colleen into the ER,because she was up all night Thursday crying. She had an ear infection. We were going to take her to a hockey game Friday night, but since she wasn't feeling well my mom took care of her while Rory, my dad, and I went to the game. It was a good time. I just wished Colleen could have gone. Sunday morning when I got Colleen up to travel home I noticed blood all over her sheets. Once again we had to take her into the ER. Her eardrum had ruptured. Poor kid. She's doing ok. It has just made her a little crabby. I'm hoping her antibiotics clear it up and she heals well, because we are supposed to be flying to see Sara next month.
Yesterday I had my ultrasound. The past few days the baby has been moving like crazy. During the ultrasound, they had a hard time getting measurements, because the baby wouldn't quit moving. We did get some good pictures though. We didn't find out if it is a boy or girl. The ultrasound tech. said that everybody wants to know these days and it is very rare for people to not want to know. We think that the surprise of finding out when the baby is born is worth the wait.


At 7:29 PM , Blogger Steph said...

Poor Colleen. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.

At 2:33 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Mom's are great! I'm glad you had good help during your move. Sorry to hear about Colleen... poor girl! It sounds like your next kid is a wild child, moving all over the place... Does that trait come from you or Rory?

At 1:36 PM , Blogger Sara said...

I can't wait till you all come to vvisit!!!!!


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