Tuesday, May 22, 2007

24 season is over

So, last night was the end of the season for 24. I have mixed feelings about the whole event. The ending was pretty disappointing. It left us with no idea about where they are going to go with next season. I was also hoping that by the end of the season President Palmer would be recovering, because I can't stand the Vice President. Anyways, I think they could have done more. Maybe the writers need some fresh ideas for next season.
Other than my disappointment last night, things are pretty good around here. It seems like Colleen's ear is getting better. I hope at our follow up appointment next month we find that her ear infection is totally cleared, so I don't have to worry about her not being able to fly to see Sara.
It feels like we're getting settled into our new place. Its an old house, so it took some getting used to. Yesterday, while we were watching 24 we heard a crash and glass breaking. We looked all over the house, but couldn't find what it was. Finally, we discovered it was the light cover on our front porch. It fell and broke. Parking is fun at this house. We can squeeze both vehicles in our driveway, but then we are always switching them around so one of us can leave. Ideally, Rory would like to park in the street in front of our house, but our neighbors seem to have a lot of cars and they are always parked in front of our house all the way down the street. When a spot opens up, I'm always yelling at Rory to go take it. Its pretty funny.


At 8:35 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I agree with your remarks on 24. Maybe Jack needs a break cause his life is pretty crazy.

At 9:28 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Butt next season is supposed to be "the best yet" - according to the makers of 24. They better come up with a better, different story line.
Funny bout the parking situation!


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