Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It is sooo stinking hot. Today's high is 100 with a heat index of 110 or above. Last night I went to bed at 10:30 and the heat index was still 95 degrees. I have air conditioning, but it is not high quality AC. When it is hot like it is, it runs constantly and can't cool the upstairs that well. I just feel like complaining, because I am not a hot weather person. I'll take the cold over the heat any day. Once the heat gets to a certain point, I don't think it matters how hot it is any more. Hot is hot. I'm almost out of popsicles too.


At 10:56 AM , Blogger Sara said...

sorry it is sooo stinkin' hot there! I hope Colorado is a nice break for ya. its nice here today - high is 85degrees... feels good after that 100 degree weather.

At 6:52 PM , Blogger Steph said...

I agree. I am ready for some cool weather. I could never live in someplace like Arizona that is always pretty hot.

At 8:31 PM , Blogger Erin said...

I think that we have the same weather. It sucks. Maybe what I need is popsicles. I am glad you mentioned them.


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